Posts tagged #3d printed

My first Kumiki design - Panda

I have wanted to design a Kumiki for a while, but just needed some inspiration. I decided that designing one for the IPP puzzle exchange would be a good incentive, and also as a present for my stepson. As he likes Pandas it was an easy choice of what shape to make. I do have a panda in my collection, but it has a basic square body, and just the head indicates what it is.

I also added the constraint that it should be black and white, but that the pieces should not be coloured, but use the natural material colours to decorate it. The first design needed a little tweeking, and with the help of Steve Nichols, one was 3d printed. Some light sanding of the pieces (need to adjust the tollerances of the data file) and the puzzle went together. 

I am really pleased with the way it has worked out, and although it is a simple puzzle is does look good. 

Next I want to add a bit more complexity to the puzzle, so that it is more challenging. Watch this space......

Posted on July 14, 2015 .